1. Login to your OffGamers account. Click on the icon at the top-right main page. Next, click on "Store Credit" and "Top Up". You will be diverted to a page to select the amount.

2. Select your currency and choose the amount that you wish to top up. Please be informed that there is a minimum amount to top-up for the store credits. Click "TOP UP NOW" to proceed.
3. Select your preferred payment option, click “PAY NOW” to proceed to make payment. Please be informed that the "Handling fees" may vary depends on the payment method that you choose. Click HERE for more information about our payment methods.
4. You will receive your Order Number once you have successfully completed the transaction.
1. You will not be able to purchase the OffGamers Gift Card using your store credit. Kindly select other payment methods other than the store credit. (FOR RESELLER ONLY).
2. Purchases that use Store Credit to checkout will not be included in the membership upgrade criteria.