1. You can submit his eKYC by going to the Verification Form or "VERIFY NOW" from the email titled [OffGamers] Order Update XXX (XXX is your order number).
  2. Click "Verify Now" button to upload your ID -OR- take a selfie.


  1. Scan the QR code using your mobile device to proceed using your mobile device -OR- continue using your web browser. 
  2. Select 'Issuing Country' and 'Document Type' and Proceed. 
  3. Place the front of your Photo ID within the frame and press the blue Camera button
  4. Make sure the document is clearly visible, readable and not expire before Pressing the Confirm button.
  5. Repeat Step 3 for the back of your Photo ID.
  6. Your submission will be submitted for review within 15 minutes. 


  1. Scan the QR code using your mobile device to proceed using your mobile device -OR- continue using your web browser. 
  2. Take a selfie. It is recommended not to wear sunglasses, hat or accessories.
  3. Place your face within the frame and follow the instructions. Press the Camera button once it appears. 
  4. Press the Confirm button after you have check on the Selfie taken.
  5. Your submission will be submitted. Thank you for your cooperation. 

You can refer to our Video Guide HERE